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Thursday, May 24, 2007

Cap that...EU innovates

The European Parliament voted yesterday overwhelmingly in favour of new regulations to dramatically cut the cost of using a mobile phone abroad. Under new EU regulations, proposed by the European Commission on 12 July 2006 and broadly supported by the 27 EU member states last week, mobile roaming charges within the EU will come down by as much as 70%. The new rules are expected to enter in force in time for the traditional European summer vacation season.

The maximum charge, excluding VAT, for regulated roaming calls will be capped at EUR0.49 per minute for outgoing calls and EUR0.24 for calls received.

Isnt that innovation or what? EU finally took the action as it was so long discussed. Regulation, pricing, anything that could assist the product diffusion is innovation in the Telecom. Innovation is certainly a concept with so many dimensions that is a real challenge to delve into it.


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