As in my research, same in life I always discuss progressivism and innovation. In my opinion these are two complement concepts. Coming from a historical country, I always supported the idea that as the EU residents should respect but cant live with the history and the traditions forever or for the favor of a nation, a concept well developed and applied in Germany and Holland respectively. Digest the legend and generate your own. If you are progressive its all about new lifestyle, a blend maybe i.e. European-American, well defined and led by YOU, and defining the new ideology and the unknown as the Greek philosophers did, escaping the "well known, but always boring path". Progressivism means non-stop excitement for the new ideas and things in life, a flexible and value-driven lifestyle.
Prophet Elias was a progressive and innovative Saint that I am proudly carrying his name and on coming Friday I celebrate my names day. The story goes that Prophet Elias came from a fishing village and wanted to do good beyond his known world,(heading to the unknown, how cool)somewhere that had not known the life that he was accustomed to, the life of the sea. So, he set off from his home, carrying an oar across his shoulder (keep walking). Days walking inland were spent asking 'Do you know what this is?', to be met with 'Yes, it's an oar. Are you nuts?' Eventually he was in the mountains, far, far away. On one high peak he reached a place where the oar was not recognized and there he founded a church. Churches of Prophet Elias are now usually found on the highest peaks with an amazing view, how romantic, innovative and progressive for those years!
The Bible declares, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come" (2 Corinthians 5:17)! Lets shoot for the new and risky!
More to come..